
Posts By DrBruce

Latest Posts | By DrBruce
LZ Episode 024: Levity Zone Salon #1 – Pt2 – Chemical Consciousness
10 years ago

LZ Episode 024: Levity Zone Salon #1 – Pt2 – Chemical Consciousness

Part two of the first Levity Zone Salon held in December of 2013 at Ancient Oaks Farm covers Dr. Bruce’s personal integration  guided by the teachings of Eckart Tolle and …
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LZ Episode 023: Levity Zone Salon #1 – Integrating Experience
10 years ago

LZ Episode 023: Levity Zone Salon #1 – Integrating Experience

In this special edition of the Levity Zone we embark on a new leg of our journey with the start of Levity Zone Salons. The first one was held at …
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LZ Episode 022: Leave the Machine @ BurningMan2012
10 years ago

LZ Episode 022: Leave the Machine @ BurningMan2012

This “lost talk” from Fractal Nation at Burning Man 2012 was resurrected by Andrew O’Keefe! Introduced by the artist Android Jones, Dr. Bruce goes on to unbolt the gears and …
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LZ Episode 021: Mitochondrial Eve @ Burning Man 2013
11 years ago

LZ Episode 021: Mitochondrial Eve @ Burning Man 2013

The Levity Zone features the third and final 2013 Burning Man talk held at the Palenque Norte tent in Camp Soft Landing, Dr. Bruce takes up the vitally important theme …
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Dr. Bruce on the Novelty Generators podcast
11 years ago

Dr. Bruce on the Novelty Generators podcast

Catch Dr. Bruce with Niles Heckman on the Novelty Generators podcast episode 016 (in YouTube) and  the podcast site audio version is here.

Description: Published on Dec 13, 2013

Niles …
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LZ Episode 020: Re-Imagining the World @ Burning Man 2013
11 years ago

LZ Episode 020: Re-Imagining the World @ Burning Man 2013

Dr. Bruce returns with another 2013 Burning Man talk held in the spectacular dome at Fractal Planet, a camp centered around visionary art led by the eclectic crew of spectacular …
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LZ Episode 019: Sacred Monkey Power @ Burning Man 2013
11 years ago

LZ Episode 019: Sacred Monkey Power @ Burning Man 2013

Dr. Bruce returns from the Amazon rainforest and opens the Burning Man 2013 talks series with “Sacred Monkey Power”, a talk about our 90 million year deep ancestry starting out …
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Dr. Bruce on the Expanding Mind Podcast
11 years ago

Dr. Bruce on the Expanding Mind Podcast

Dr. Bruce Damer on Erik Davis’ Expanding Mind podcast: Growing Virtual Worlds.

Description: April 4, 2012

Evolutionary technologies, resisting the nonsense noosphere, and the legacy of Terence McKenna: a …
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LZ Episode 018: Symbiosis 2013 – Monkey Ascension
11 years ago

LZ Episode 018: Symbiosis 2013 – Monkey Ascension

Join us on the Pantheon stage at Symbiosis Gathering 2013 for Dr. Bruce introduced by visionary activist and coyote spiritwoman Caroline Casey. Dr. Bruce threaded together five of his recent …
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LZ Episode 017: Ojai Salon 3 – The Highest Purpose of Humanity
11 years ago

LZ Episode 017: Ojai Salon 3 – The Highest Purpose of Humanity

A spirited group in Ojai Salon number 3 takes on a big theme: what is the highest purpose of humanity? Topics include: our deepest origins in time, bringing a new …
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