

LZ Episode 069: Fred McPherson Saving the San Lorenzo!
6 years ago

LZ Episode 069: Fred McPherson Saving the San Lorenzo!

first met Fred in the 90s when I first moved to Boulder Creek. Some time later I learned that he was a major figure in the counter-cultural movements in Santa …
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LZ Episode 022: Leave the Machine @ BurningMan2012
10 years ago

LZ Episode 022: Leave the Machine @ BurningMan2012

This “lost talk” from Fractal Nation at Burning Man 2012 was resurrected by Andrew O’Keefe! Introduced by the artist Android Jones, Dr. Bruce goes on to unbolt the gears and …
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LZ Episode 015: Ojai Salon 2 – The World of 2050 Q&A #2
11 years ago

LZ Episode 015: Ojai Salon 2 – The World of 2050 Q&A #2

This second audience Q&A session for Ojai Salon number two (podcast 13) returns to a key theme for how we might reinvent a beautiful world by the year 2050. Central …
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LZ Episode 013: Ojai Salon 2 – The World of 2050
11 years ago

LZ Episode 013: Ojai Salon 2 – The World of 2050

This second Ojai Salon opens with the sharing of a vision transporting us to the world of 2050. In this wondrous world of the imagination the ideal outcome has occurred …
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