

LZ Episode 043: TubCast #1 with Dr. Bruce, Future Al and Mythic Peter
9 years ago

LZ Episode 043: TubCast #1 with Dr. Bruce, Future Al and Mythic Peter

Returning from the Deep 90s back to the future in 2015 Dr. Bruce joins Allan Lundell and his mythic friend Peter Fae for a hot tub confab high on the …
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LZ Episode 027: Esalen Visions
10 years ago

LZ Episode 027: Esalen Visions

Back in June of 2012 Lorenzo Hagerty and yours truly, Dr. Bruce, presented a program on the life of Terence McKenna at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California. Join …
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LZ Episode 017: Ojai Salon 3 – The Highest Purpose of Humanity
11 years ago

LZ Episode 017: Ojai Salon 3 – The Highest Purpose of Humanity

A spirited group in Ojai Salon number 3 takes on a big theme: what is the highest purpose of humanity? Topics include: our deepest origins in time, bringing a new …
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