The Levity Zone features a whole community of contributing visual artists and musicians who provide original work for each episode. Feel free to submit your own work and become part of that community. Listeners are also invited to add their voices through questions, answers and numinous ruminations. Please get in touch through our Contact section.

  1. Love to work with you in ways/means that suit.

    Self-taught, having had unsolicited high praise for some of my visual work as well as writerly stuff.

    Your video with Mishlove was a stunner for this fledgling just learning to fly.

    • Thanks Joseph! Want to do some artwork to represent our themes and projects here?

  2. I was present for an excellent talk you gave at burning man. I have a few photos if you’d like them for your website and would love to keep up to date with your projects to see if I can be of service and stay within your energy and the energy of burning man.
    Peace, Love and Light
    – Matt

    • Thanks Matt very much, please get in touch about possibly working with us here at the Levity Zone?

  3. Sanjay Iyer

    Bruce, I have enormous respect and admiration for your brilliant and inspiring talks.
    I play Indian flute (bansuri). I’m happy to record some tracks for your use in your podcasts or whatever. Let me know if you’d like a sampler.



    • Sanjay yes indeed I would love a track or two to possibly include in a podcast! Can you get in touch with me at bruce at damer dot com?

  4. Cosmic Lettuce

    Wow you both sound like a couple of old, crancky men. Do what you think you should in terms of trying to convince kids to get an education, a job, and a skill set, but you can’t possibly change the future.

    Keep up the great work.

    In Peace, CL

  5. We’re steadfastly prepping an upgrade to the website that will have more networking and interactive capabilities … stay tuned!

  6. Bruce,
    Thank you for sharing with everyone the importance of eye contact. Similar to you, I was not able to make eye contact until later in life. Every time I would look in someone’s eyes I felt an intense fear and would tense my facial muscles up. This would negatively affect my conversations and cause other people around me to tense up as well. It was not until September 2013, when I started a regular Qigong practice – Qigong is often thought of as Chinese Yoga- and took my physical health seriously that I became able to relax into my body enough to make eye contact. Now I am more receptive to the feelings of my friends and family and can’t believe I went through 18 years of my life without confronting this fear. I appreciate your views on how eye contact helps people connect to the present moment. This is certainly the case for me. Listening to the Levity Zone made me more aware of how I couldn’t look in peoples eyes, and helped inspire me to make lifestyle changes. Thank You.

    • You are most welcome John! I really appreciate your artwork by the way!

  7. Mendoza

    I hope it’s ok to share a story.
    In the UK there is a great animated series for young children broadcast on CBeebies (children’s BBC). And this is what takes place each episode:
    Isaac returns from the wilderness to “the house with lots of windows and lots of stairs”. As he ascends, he has an expanding view of the surrounding landscape (greater vision) and as he ascends he passes by his brothers and sisters in age order. At the bottom, Ava, reading Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, representing modern man and culture. The siblings get younger as he ascends until he reaches his baby brother at the top of the tower. The view through the uppermost window expands to fill the screen as all the ages of Isaac exist together in one room. As he becomes his baby brother, we see a serpent and pieces fruit on the window sill and the everyday reality dissolves into a cartoon version. In this world Baby Jake now has wild adventures with the Other, including a monkey that swings on a magic vine and a white rabbit that lives down a hole. Baby Jake can defy gravity, communicate with the Other, metamorphose into a butterfly and many other fantastic things. He often floats up so high he ascends into space where he meets beady-eyed, squeeking, singing creatures that march in unison and are led by Captain Spacey and fly around in a saucer shaped craft. They get up to mischief and often run into the little green men. The planets and asteroids in space are covered in mushrooms. We see rocks covered in mushrooms drifting through space. Mushrooms everywhere! After all the craziness is over, the singing and dancing with laughing trees, lizards, snakes and humming birds, reality reaffirms itself, the cartoon dissolves and Isaac separates from Jake as they lie together embracing.
    Ok so this is Baby Jake seen through the prism of “listening to the Psychedelic Salon too much”, but all this does happen. Maybe you could interpret it differently, but if you start “paying attention” you notice the cool, the new, the intriguing and you can take more away from experiences than before. So if you get the chance, check out Baby Jake on YouTube or other means and enjoy it through the prism of McKenna!

  8. Tom Quitoni

    Hello! I spoke with Bruce last night about getting involved with the Levity Zone Salon podcasts. He asked that I sign up on the site to be made aware of announcements. I sincerely hope this is the correct area. Thanks! – T.Q.

  9. Really love what you are up it here Dr. Bruce, keep up the good work and we hope to pay you a visit someday! Peace and loving kindness from the Sol family.

  10. I Love this site:)
    Lets protect the West Coast from Fukushima Radiation with organized concentrated intention. Let create an online community of the best visualizers we have, and on set intervals, focus together on altering the structure of all the little bits of radiation into benign pieces. We can make water molecules happy through intention… I believe we can alter radiation and it’s effects as well:)

  11. luis yoda

    Hello bruce,I just wanted to add my 2 cents on the Beta-Testing,with Adobe Atmosphere,in which I miss very much.Hope you will add Atmosphere as another program that helped the Vitual Reality see what it could have been done.(or did).Thanks for letting me write this..Yours Truly,,Mr.Luis Yoda Sr.

  12. Jon Neff

    Hi. In a recent podcast you mentioned a Levity Zone salon in the Santa Cruz area, but I could not find any information about it on this site. How do I find out about this? Thanks and keep up the great podcasts.

    • Hi Jon, we had two before the holidays, one at Ancient Oaks Farm and one at Joy Labs at the Tannery Art Center. They will start up again in the new year. Reach me at Bruce at Damer dot com and I will get you on to the list!

  13. virtusvelox

    “Dieing from awe!” to have found you, thank you.

  14. Alex

    beautiful site and recording Bruce ! let us honor that picnic with madre to return the treasures of consciousness. i am very glad to have met you. fully appreciative of a glimpse , being aware as to how much i do not know 🙂

  15. The wonderful integration of the calming music with the eloquent dialouge in Conversations with the Madre pt. 1 gave me the chills numerous times. I often listen to these podcasts while creating visual art. The uplifting, mystical messages inspire me to keep pushing my creative practice, so that what I create has a positive effect on my viewers mindset. I wish to give some beauty back to the Podcast that inspires me so much. It would be a great pleasure for me to create a work of art to be viewed along with an upcoming podcast, free of course. A link to my art is Keep up the wonderful work Bruce!

  16. hello bruce, i have so much to say that i cant say a word. i can feel you, i can feel your vibe, i can feel that i am here writing this message for a reason i may not know yet. perhaps there is something that i have that you need and something you have that i need. when i put myself out there to other beings who i know, i never get a reply and i usually take it as they do not understand me and there is always miscommunication. i call this “the gift of not being understood” i would love to hear back from you in any way possible. thanks bruce 7

    • Yes! I am finally getting back to you Michael, please get in touch at bruce at damer dot com !

  17. Jason Kilburn Evans

    John Suntiger’s story was the bravest most inspiring thing I have heard all week. I hope John continues to be blessed with insight, imagination and hope.

  18. Know your spirit of love, dear.
    Let one sincere splendored heart
    whisper romance to the soul of man…
    Think, Dream.
    Who is this body?
    Why true being has no time.
    Now we kiss, yes.
    As a flame, our new moon fell blindly.

    Thank you for the podcasts ~
    radiating from two psychonauts in North Carolina

  19. Congratulations on getting your new podcast up and going. . . . AND on this new Blobber thingamajig 🙂 . . . This is my very first blob!

  20. Podcast 3 was great! Keep it up. Loved the spacey vibe!

  21. Jason Kilburn Evans

    Hi Bruce just listening to the 09/12 talk reminds me of a conversation I had a while ago with Steve Grand about theology and also this chap:

  22. Aaron Smiatacz

    Please help me to further my abilites, and to share with humanity and unite my twin flame. Construct Hemp earthship communities for the production and agricultural growing systems, Love Aaron

  23. Lets get some digibarn pics up on here!

  24. The site looks great! Happy new year. I came across this article today, and it made me wonder, what does the good doctor think about infinities?

  25. Connor

    Pretty cool stuff! Nice videos 😉

  26. Charles Reid

    Great work on the site, and the first podcast guys. I’m looking forward to seeing how it blossoms.

  27. Yes Jacob it was amazingly fun working on this and to see it all come together to beautifully and functionally! Onwards…

  28. Greetings! We’re stoked to launch! We’d love to hear your thoughts. 🙂

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